
vue.js progressive javascript framework

What is Vue.js?

In the modern day world, technology takes the lead in almost all aspects of life. This has led to the upsurge in the trend of software development. This is a phenomenon that keeps expanding within the economic and technology sphere. Among the most popular software is Vue .js. It is a progressive JavaScript framework that was developed by Evan You. Vue .js is unique in the sense that it has a number of optional tools which are useful in building user interfaces. When mixed with an HTML it tends to increase interactivity and efficiency, hence making applications more users friendly. The following are a number of the advantages of Vue.js.

Ease Of Use

Vue.js is not a complicated framework. One can easily find their way through it. The reason behind this attribute is that it has a simple structure. This enables the users to easily develop their templates through the framework or add it to their web projects. One can easily troubleshoot errors easily as they can be easily identified.

Small In Size

Vue.js is between 18 to 21 KB. This makes it very popular. The rationale behind its popularity due to its size is the ease with which a user can download and get to use it. The smaller a JavaScript framework is, the better it works. Vue.js has a great speed as it is less bulky as compared to other frameworks that are bigger in size.

Ease of Integration

Being a JavaScript framework, vue.js can be easily integrated into applications that are already built on JavaScript. The framework has further components for everything. This makes it possible for it to be used while either coming up with new applications or even making changes to the existing ones. These are among the factors that place it among the most preferred JavaScript frameworks.

It is Flexible

vue.js with jscrambler

Vue.js gives a wide range of options to its users. For instance, one is able to write their template in HTML file, as a JavaScript file and can also do it as a pure JavaScript file. I other words it is easy for a user to use it and come up with different forms of work. It makes it easier to develop applications that run from the browsers directly.

Two Way Communication

This is a framework that is built of MVVM architecture. This gives it the ability to take on any possible HTML blocks. It is referred to as a two way communication path. This gives it spectacular speeds in terms of its functioning.

Comprehensive Documentation

This is a framework that comes with a thoroughly detailed documentation. This is useful to the users in the sense that they are able to follow and fully understand how to use it. Such documentation is also helpful to the developers. They get to use it while writing up their first as well as subsequent applications and vue.js gives it all. One can easily follow it up and boom! They can come up with their own application or a web page.